Er... wat's the date? Jul 12-04
Well... I hate starting up negative but there's this airhead over on the zerolimit chat channel I'm on where I talk to my buddies... Oh god! She's sooo annoying! I mean, c'mon! She's 17, going to college, and she can't even spell the most basic words! Anyways, she starts acting all airheaded and stuff, which gets the rest of us annoyed cuz we can do without one less airhead, especially when we're trying to have a normal convo, and she gets kicked for her behaviour. Then she comes back later and she's like "Huh? What happened? Oh well... Let's start acting all airheaded and stereotypically blonde! Yeah!" Uggh...
OK, onto cheerier stuff. I'm a member of both Sue's Crew Forum (the forum where Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye fans hang out) and AllAlias (the forum where Alias addicts... er... fans hang out) which is like uber cool cuz now I have two circle of internet community friends!
Can't think of more right now so... until tomorrow!! XOXOXOXO
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