Sunday, August 15, 2004

Long time...

Hey y'all! Long time no see... LOL.

Anyways, yesterday Sav came back! I was, like, so happy! Weird eh? I never met these people yet I worry and miss 'em. *shrug* Han's being hounding me about "Love and Hate"... Rome wasn't built in a day but I keep on getting distracted. It's weird. I've got a couple of pages left to type up then I have to finish the chapter/story. With that big Alias-esque cliffhanger. God, they'll all kill me after that, LOL, cuz I'm gonna need a break to get used to the new school system.

Yep, we're going semestered this year. It'll be both scary and challenging. I hope I'll survive with great grades. Need to convince my parents that I can play rugby, it makes my post-secondary resume look good... of course, they can't see that. All they think works is 100%'s... yeah right. Things are different from 20-30 years ago compared to now, they really need to do their research. And they think I don't. *snorts*

Well, I made a new wally again. I think it's my most popular one. See below. :)

Title: You’ll Still Be Burning Bright
Pictures: Two Evil Monks
Brushes: None
Texture: None
Font: Harrington, Impact, LaineDay, Scriptina, Times New Roman
Lyrics: Answer ~ Sarah McLachlan

800x600 1024x768