Long overdue update - avs today
Yep! Way overdue! LOL, I'm a little slacker when it comes to updating anything.

Let's start with avatars. Feel free to borrow them as you tell me that you're using them.

Category: Other
Pictures: Google search
Brushes: Annika von Holdt
Font: Elegant

(#2) - Miniaturized from a wallpaper
Title: Dear Yannick
Category: TV - Shows - Sue Thomas:F.B.Eye - Celebrities - Yannick Bisson
Picture: Googe search
Texture: Jaimie (Renegade Tear)
Font: Scriptina

Category: TV - Shows - Alias - Season 4
Pictures: Official Alias Site
Font: TopSecret

Title: Santa Jack
Categories: TV - Shows - Sue Thomas:F.B.Eye - Seasonal
Picture: PAX, Google
Textures: Evenstar, Jems
Font: Dominican Small Caps

Category: TV - Specials - Concert - Tsunami Relief
Pictures: Mine
Fonts: 04b24, Faktos

Category: TV - Shows - Stargate:SG-1 - 4.06 Window of Opportunity
Picture: Abydos Gate
Font: Dominican

Category: TV - Shows - Alias - Characters - Irina Derevko
Picture: No idea.... Argghh!!
Font: Uncle Typewriter

Title: Beloved Spy!Daddy
Picture: Jaimie
Texture: Foley's Resources
Brushes: Muse-Driven
Text: Mine

Title: Love
Picture: LenaOlin.net
Font: 4 Magic DNA
Textures: Jems (Broken)

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